Saturday, November 16, 2013

Rock Stars of the Serengeti

Without doubt the title goes to our abundant reptilian neighbours, the Flat Headed Rock Agama! 
With the kind of colouration any self respecting punk rocker can only dream of maintaining in a hair cut, the male Agama puts the our friends at Camden Lock to shame.

Adding to this he displays by violently thrashing his head up and down to attract the attention of females and send his rivals packing - suitably intimidated by his prowess as a headbanger. 
We should post this behaviour on you-tube with Metallica's "Ride the lightning" as a soundtrack.

"That's not music, that's just noise!"

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Cubs Life...

We have been spoilt rotten with sightings of a local leopard female and her two cubs these past two weeks, after a brief absence we were delighted when they started showing up on our guests camera screens again.

A remarkably large, healthy looking female she is rearing two boisterous performers - it must be an exhausting task keeping them safe in an ecosystem in which a potential threat sits behind every rock - beneath every tree. She watches over them in the shelter of the Kopjies for now and they are utterly fearless in their explorations of this outcrop home. She seems to visibly sigh when once again she has to get up and retrieve them from wherever they've gotten stuck!

It was a relaxed afternoon when Jana, Rebecca and I ventured out to the rocks to try and spot them - unbelievable as it sounds we had them to our selves right up until sunset. Very happy managers!

Monday, November 4, 2013

A point of View

Do not leave your room/office/vehicle/pool,- in fact don’t attempt anything at all, without some binoculars and a camera!
We’re new on the scene in Serengeti and perhaps we will, in time, become blasé about such things but I seriously doubt it.
From a vantage point in this ecosystem, and it would not be idle boasting to say that Lamai puts a very big tick the “room with a view” box. The surrounding landscapes and the skies leave you speechless. How amazing that you have the opportunity to observe countless species interacting on a daily basis.
In the past week we’ve seen lots and lots of Wildebeests, Zebras, Lions, Buffalo, Elephants and even a Long Crested Eagle every day (just to mention a few!) - without even leaving the camp! Fantastic!